A glorious jog through Quantum Mechanics!
- Ann Shakespeare
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- 2013
It is essential and fundamental to every person on Planet Earth and to every part of the world we live in. It is constantly in operation, at all levels, everywhere. It never tires. It never rests. It is never depleted. It never remains still. It is a vast and immeasurable unity. It cannot be divided or separated within itself or from itself. It contains a wealth of information – for good and for bad. It is a scrupulous recorder of history, with its chronicles dating back some 13 billion years. It is highly and relentlessly sensitive to energy of all kinds – both positive and negative – and it responds accordingly.
Quantum Mechanics proves that the world is not what it seems to be...
This is one incredibly powerful and complex system!
And yet it is amazing to think that it is invisible, intangible and virtually unknown. Even the most familiar of human activities, such as sitting on the ground, holding a baby or gazing at the stars, would collapse and make no sense without it. In fact, they just would not happen! So vital it is to human existence - and yet we can only perceive a tiny 0.004% of this "something" that constitutes the foundations of our existence.
So what on earth is it?!!
It is called the Quantum Field. Its operating system is known as Quantum Mechanics, which is the set of principles that describe the interaction of matter and energy at atomic and subatomic levels. At least, that is where its effects are most dramatically visible, but Quantum Mechanics applies equally to mountains and mammals as well as to mesons.
Quantum Mechanics proves that the world is not what it seems to be. We tend to think that most of our outer world is made up of solid, separate objects existing in uniform time and in three-dimensional space (ie the classical, Newtonian world view). However, nothing could be further from the truth.
Quantum Mechanics reveals that everyone and everything we know are composed of energy – manifesting either in the form of matter or radiation (Einstein’s E=Mc2). For example, what we see as a solid table is in fact vibrating with millions and millions of particles or waves of energy, moving at unimaginable speeds. The words particles or waves of energy suggest separate elements, but they are no more separate from the Quantum Field, or from each other, than the waves are from the ocean.
Furthermore, experiments have demonstrated that waves/particles affect and interact with each other across seemingly vast distances, regardless of the apparent "solid matter" that apparently (ie that which is apparent to the senses) lies between them.
More striking still, is that these waves/particles change nature, appear and disappear, when they are being observed. The very act of observation transforms the waves/particles. This is the basis upon which some metaphysicians and mystics claim that "consciousness creates reality". In other words, by the very act of observing, the observer plays an integral part in the outworking and the shaping of the universe.
As I mentioned above, we had tended to think of our outer world as made up of solid, separate objects existing in uniform time and in three-dimensional space. Well, the solid, separate objects have been effectively disaggregated! So now what about our classical concepts of time and space?
Yes, those go out of the window too! Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity demonstrates that space and time are not absolute, but are relative both to the observer and to that which is being observed. The closer we get to the speed of light, the more distorted we will become, relative to a third party observer.
Time is part of space (at the quantum level it is called "spacetime"), and it is constantly changing, depending upon objects and circumstances. For example, massive objects, such as our Sun, stretch and curve spacetime. There is no such thing as gravity per se, either, because gravity is the process of acceleration caused by the distortion of relative spacetime by massive objects (or matter). So, at the quantum level, classical concepts such as space, time, length, height, width, gravity, distance, separateness, duality, I-Thou relationship – all disappear completely.
David Bohm calls the quantum level of reality the "implicate order" while our own experience of existence is the "explicate order". The Quantum Field, however, is morally neutral and highly sensitive to the morality applied at any particular nanosecond. It can be hell or heaven - the choice is ours, but the implications are unspeakably glorious, but only when understood and applied within the Truth that is Christ Jesus and His Death, Resurrection and Ascension.
About The Author
Ann Shakespeare
Ann has been fascinated by the quantum world for several years. It started with the realization that modern scientific discoveries had already been expressed in the Bible, thousands of years earlier. Finally, science was catching up with Scripture! Ann has a website dedicated to intimacy with Christ at www.risinguptogetherinchrist.com