Be radiant with the brilliance of the Lord!
“The lamp of the body is the eye; if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body will be light.” (Matt. 6:22, Darby Translation)
In this Scripture, Jesus calls us to focus on the light and turn away from darkness. In the same chapter He also said, “No one can serve two masters”. We need to make a radical choice between two opposing poles.
What are the two poles? In the New Testament we see that the two poles are actually two kingdoms: the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of Light. It was to rescue fallen humanity from the kingdom of darkness that God became incarnate as Jesus Christ. Through His sacrifice, He Himself absorbed the darkness, which can also be called sin, evil, illusion or ignorance etc – the fruit of separated ego consciousness. The Lord’s purpose was to obliterate ego consciousness and restore human beings to their original state of unity with the Father. In other words, the Lord’s mission was to usher in the Kingdom of God and to be the first fruits of a brand new Christ race.
He has done it! But in order to appropriate what Jesus has done for us, and to start to move out of our old Adamic paradigm, the Lord calls us to focus on a completely new direction... ie “Fix your eyes on Jesus”, “Set your mind on things above”, “Seek first the Kingdom of God”.
In other words, keep your eye single and in the Light; not in the darkness where our consciousness is ruled by separation and dividedness.
At the frequency of light we rise above the laws of the world – the laws of duality, separateness, decay and death – and we experience infinity, omnipresence, everlasting life.
Keeping the eye single means keeping our consciousness focused on the Truth (singularity) as revealed through the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. The truth is that we are now crucified with Christ and raised with Him, partaking of the very nature of God in every way.
If we do that, then … our “whole body will be light” (Matt. 6:22). It follows that if God is light, then as children of God and one with Him we too will be light. Jesus Himself told us: “You are the light of the world” (Matt. 5:14).
But what does it mean to be light, or to be full of light? At one level, it means that Scripture comes alive within us and the things of God start to manifest in our day-to-day lives.
At a deeper level, it literally means that we vibrate at the frequency of light! At this frequency we can understand, scientifically, how the Lord’s declarations that “He is in us, we are in Him and all that the Father has is mine” (summarised) can be experientially true.
At the frequency of light we rise above the laws of the world – the laws of duality, separateness, decay and death – and we experience infinity, omnipresence, everlasting life.
At the frequency of light we can lay down our outer form and pick it up again. We can take any form, as long as we take it in the name of Jesus Christ and in the truth of Oneness. We know only the law of Grace and of Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit cascades and flows out through us to the very ends of the earth.
At the frequency of light we can soar in heavenly places and look down on planet Earth. We can embrace the Earth and call all its people and all creation into the light – “Let there be light!” The lower vibrations cannot resist the frequency of light. They cannot fight it. They cannot see it with their physical eyes or touch it or hear it. It is invisible. But it is omnipresent and vibrating in every atom of being.
Thus it is that we all “live and move and have our being in Him” because He is light and light is everywhere present! And if God is everywhere present, then all the characteristics of God are everywhere present: love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, goodness, self-control, infinity, eternal life, creation, expansion, growth, unity, harmony, wholeness, perfection. Thus it is
And if this is true of every corner of His creation, then it follows that whatever characteristics are in opposition, such as duality and separateness, fear, hate, disease, decay and death cannot prevail! They are the qualities of darkness and will evaporate as the morning dew as soon as they are exposed to those living with a consciousness of the True Light.
As more and more people rise up and start to radiate this quality of Light, the critical mass of consciousness will, increasingly, infuse the quantum field and then it will truly be seen that: “The darkness was pierced and could not comprehend or diminish this light” (John 1:5, Mirror Bible).
So, when we contemplate the Scriptures: "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12) and “You are the light of the world”... let us be bold and believe that this is indeed wonderfully true about us. It is to that end that our Lord and Saviour came – and here below is His loving clarion-call to all of us!
“Shine! – be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the Lord – for your light has come!” (Isa. 60:1, Amplified Bible).
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Quantum Glory was formed out of a strong desire to dig deep into the quantum fabric of the universe and creation. The deeper we go, we find that God reveals many mysteries to us at an atomic level, bringing the invisible increasingly into focus. The purpose of this website it to provide easy-access gateways into the deeper realms. Here you will find lots of amazing information and revelations to accompany you as you explore. There is no particular start or finish. Simply choose an entry point and enjoy your journey.