Without a song or a dance who are we?
- Rob townley
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- 2023
The rhythm of life
Since the very beginning, God has been using verbal commands. We learn from Genesis 1 that He spoke things into being - it was a verbal command, not a thought. Why was it verbal? Well when you speak, you release sounds and frequencies. By releasing that initial sound God was able to shape not only our Earth, but also planets, constellations, galaxies and much more. In fact that sound is still active - the galaxy count is now up to 2 trillion and increasing - proof that the universe is still expanding because of what God had spoken into creation.
Digging deep into the fabric of creation and the universe reveals that we are all part of a glorious artistic symphony.
A few years ago NASA started releasing sounds of planets that had been recorded by their Voyager spacecraft. It’s worth taking a listen to these remarkable soundscapes, because it proves that everything has a sound, a unique voice - even in space. So from this perspective the whole universe can be seen as an orchestra of creation. NASA also discovered a group of massive red stars that are actually humming to themselves. The Kepler space telescope spotted sound waves coming from these stars and they were recorded. “It is a giant red concert,” said the astronomer who made the recording. And the Word of God confirms this - Job 38:7 “When the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy.” The planets are even dancing too - our solar system is not static; our sun travels through space at an average speed of 448,000 mph with the planets spiralling around it like in a dance.
As well as sound and frequency, the whole of creation also shouts “Harmony” and “Rhythm”, revealing a rhythmic extravaganza; a universe where everything vibrates and has rhythm.
Nikola Tesla once said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” And the great Albert Einstein: “Everything in Life is Vibration”.
The tiniest atoms that make up matter are in a constant state of vibration. Without that rhythm, we would cease to exist, animals would cease to exist, plants would cease to exist, nothing would exist. It’s that rhythm, that dance, that wonderful dance, that we have been born into. Where would we be without that rhythm? Because of it we are all connected, everything is connected. So if we are all connected to the universe surely everything we do affects the universe? Isn’t that how God works? Everything He does affects the universe, so why not us if we’re connected to Him? That all comes from God’s heart - God’s heart is evident in all creation, from the very first moments right through to the ultimate sacrifice He gave.
Don’t we all love music - there are many reasons we love music - melody, harmony, rhythm - God’s heartbeat! I love this quote by German musician Joachim-Ernst Berendt: “At the root of all power and motion, there is music and rhythm, the play of patterned frequencies against the matrix of time. We know that every particle in the physical universe takes its characteristics from the pitch and pattern and overtones of its particular frequencies. It is singing. Before we make music, music makes us.”
Eden’s blueprint
I have a feeling that when God originally released the sound that birthed creation, that there was a song involved, a melody… I’d love to discover what that was! It’s like the dawn chorus - it has been proven that when birds start singing at dawn, plants and flowers react to this song and start to open up and awaken, the whole of creation reacts to the song, just as the whole universe is reacting to the very first song. Every cell, every element, every particle has its song in which it is united with all of its species, harmonising with all the universe. It’s amazing that every living being has been given a voice, but in a certain frequency that can be heard above others. Birds and insects have high voices to be heard over vegetation. Bigger land animals have lower voices that can carry along the ground. Whales for example have sonic voices that can carry for 100’s of miles under water. God has given everything a voice, in perfect harmony. Our modern day orchestras actually mimic this layout, this pattern, with specific layers of instruments and their corresponding sounds positioned perfectly to delight the listener with a beautifully balanced overture. So Eden was actually the orchestral blueprint. Eden would have been incredible in terms of the purity of sound and colour, I can’t begin to imagine how vibrant that environment would have been, the colours, the sounds too of the animals singing and harmonising. Imagine what it must have been like for Adam connecting with that environment of Eden, that place of pure, uncorrupted sound and colour - what must he have experienced? Maybe something like Synaesthesia; an ability to see colours simultaneously with the hearing of sound, so someone with synaesthesia may hear colour or see sound. The Eden environment would have been a synergy of sound and colour, merging together in all its majesty and purity.
Unfortunately over the years our world has been overrun with machinery and technology, damping down nature and its natural harmonies, sometimes suppressing it to a whisper. But let’s not lose hope - there’s no need to feel insignificant! Considering the divine creative network that we are a part of, as creative beings we have an amazing opportunity to capture what’s on God’s heart, then potentially play it, sing it, write it, paint it etc. We have the opportunity to change our surroundings, change the environment, change peoples’ lives, with our voices, with our sound, and using our creative gifts.
The heart connection
Let's take musicians for example - they release musical notes and melodies, which are in turn heard and then interpreted by one or more people. Music can be powerful enough to affect people's moods, feelings and health, so imagine what would happen if they had a strong connection to God’s heart whilst making that music? They would be able to encapsulate what was on God’s heart at the time and release it for all to experience.
That’s powerful! So powerful in fact that it can lead to spiritual and physical healing, wellbeing and restoration. Many times God has given me music for specific people, for specific circumstances; don’t underestimate what God can do through you creatively. Let's look at other art forms - you could be a poet, a writer, a photographer, a painter, a dancer… the list goes on. Every creative move you make has the potential to release that heart frequency. And don’t worry about the level of your ability; it’s not about expertise, it’s about the heart connection we have with God - it all starts from there.
David is a great example - his heart connection with God was the key - that was the key of David, enabling him to release what was on God’s heart for the nation, for the people, for Saul for example. Also, imagine what David’s enemies must have felt when they heard the sound of his army, the drums, the chanting - before they even saw David’s army approaching they must have been terrified. He released a sound, a frequency for that time and place, for the land, for God’s people.
We are the instruments
How many of you have had a desire in your heart to play an instrument, or paint, or write a book? If so then why hasn’t that manifested? How many times have I heard someone say: “oh I wish I could play an instrument”, or “I always wanted to write a book…” or “I wish I’d taken up photography when I was young”. Those desires are there because God put them there in the first place!
Another great excuse is “oh I’m not capable of doing that…”, but our creative God has made us creative beings in His image, so we are more than capable.
Singing for example seems to be one thing that really challenges us - why are people often embarrassed to sing? If I picked on some of you to sing right now, some would be quite embarrassed to do so. But why is that? Why is it easy to talk yet not so easy to sing? What doesn’t help is years of creative oppression; a world that rewards the academic and not so much the artistic.
Also being told that “you’re out of tune”, “you’re singing is so bad!’, and countless tv music shows ridiculing the bad singers - these things combine to create a creatively suppressive culture. Well each of you has a voice, you have a song, you have a melody within you. God has made you an instrument - we have wind in our bellies, which passes through wind pipes, over vocal chords etc - so we are actually musical instruments. What if we sang instead of spoke? Wouldn’t that be fun in the supermarket!
There’s so much value on creativity - something you paint or music that you make holds its value - I remember silicon chips and computers that came about in the 80’s were soon out of date and worthless, the amazing Apple M1 chip that took the world by storm a couple of years ago will be worthless in 10 years time, but there is so much value in art, it increases in value. There’s value because it comes from the heart, and there’s a divine source behind it. So what we create has value, and no matter how small or insignificant you think you may be or how limited you feel your creative gifts are, for someone it could be priceless.
Activating your creative gifts
Hopefully we are now full of enthusiasm to be creative, but how do we activate that - where do we start?
Belief is the first step - understand how unique you are, what an amazing individual you are - you can do this! Just one note is all that’s needed, just one brush stroke is a starting point, just one written word is a declaration that you want to begin.
Imagination - imagine yourself doing it - frame up a future where you’re playing the piano for example, or painting a beautiful picture. It’s actually been proven that if you imagine yourself doing something the motor neurons in the brain act as if you actually are doing it! Make it easy on yourself to be creative - have some paper and pencils always in an accessible place, don’t store your guitar in the loft - have it in view, have your phone ready to record the next melody or poem that comes to you, carry a sketch pad with you next time you’re out walking. Make that connection with nature - take time to stop, look, listen, feel what’s around you - what colours can you see? What sounds are coming from the trees and the birds? Once you declare yourself ‘ready to receive’, then I promise you the creativity will flow. God has so much that He wants to share with you, teach you, and ultimately release through you if you position yourself to receive and importantly don’t set boundaries - there are no limits to what He can do through you.
Every single day, we, as creative beings, have an opportunity to release what’s on God’s heart. What is the melody for today? What is the sound for your town right now? What is the painting for the person who next walks through your door with a disability or sickness? What is the poem for the friend with a broken heart? Connecting with that wonderful song, that dance of creation will lead not only to personal fulfilment but also enlightenment and insight into God’s creative heart, because after all - without a song or a dance who are we?
About The Author
Rob Townley
Rob Townley is a pioneering music producer and soundscape artist. He combines science and harmony to produce unique music with embedded frequencies and alternative tunings. Rob teaches on the quantum realm, sounds of creation and how everything is connected in God’s sonic universe. Rob's music production website is www.kainosproductions.com