The quantum field waits for our Spirit-inspired sound
- Neville Jayaweera
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- 2002
It is the Spirit voicing the Word – through us - that stamps the will and purpose of God on the quantum field.
The quantum field is now filled with intelligence by reason of the Spirit of the Risen Lord filling it and becoming "all in all". But the quantum field has to be directed and commanded by the Spirit; otherwise, it just subsists as an unmanifest potentiality, just as the acorn subsists as a potentiality unless it is buried and watered and nurtured.
The Holy Spirit needs us as connectors to send His word to the quantum field. That is why Paul calls us co-labourers with God in raising His Kingdom.
Our task as servants of the Most High is to make ourselves available to the Spirit to command the quantum field. But in order that the spirit may use us, our ego has to be reduced to zero. The principle is the same as in the connector that connects the electricity mains to the house wiring. The connector must be perfectly empty and free of resistance, otherwise the current will not flow into the house wiring, however fully the house may be wired. Likewise, however filled with the Spirit of Christ the Quantum Field may be, it is energised and activated only when the mains current (the Holy Spirit) touches it.
The Holy Spirit needs us as connectors to send His word to the quantum field. That is why Paul calls us co-labourers with God in raising His Kingdom.
Every command issued by us in the name of Godhead, ripples through the entirety of the quantum field until it is picked up where it is most needed. "Whatsoever things you desire when ye pray, believe you receive them and you shall have them".
We are now under the Law of the Spirit of Christ – the Spirit of LIFE! - and we can command only as the Holy Spirit directs us. Then our commands go coursing through the universe and somewhere unbeknown to us someone or something is receiving it and benefiting by it. It may be just a rabbit caught in a snare has been released, or a still-born child springs to life, or a broken relationship is healed, or a surgeon reaches the right diagnosis, or someone who has died is resurrected to newness of life.
We need not know, and you must not ask to know to what effect you are commanding. That is the measure of your faith, that you believe without seeing and the more you believe without seeing the more blessed you will be.
The Holy Spirit commanded the original quantum field - "Let there be!" and there was! And God's will and intention materialised as space-time events.
Sadly, these space time events forgot that they were all aspects of one interconnected, interlocking whole, whose purpose was to glorify the whole (God). They proceeded to set themselves up as separate entities in their own right (the fall) which gave rise to all the problems - ego, separation, conflict, violence, disease, decay and death. Their performance was kept on record (the reservoir of 'as you sow, so shall you reap' ie the sin of then world) which accumulated massively over time and became way beyond human capacity ever to redeem. Therefore, God sent Jesus to destroy this whole edifice. He destroyed the impostor ego with its phoney kingdom and all its seperate entities through His Death and Resurrection.
Now the space-time world has been cleansed and restored (reconciled) to its original state. What we see with our senses is a pretence and must be dismissed as such – however compelling the evidence.
Now the original Quantum Field, the substance which the Holy Spirit first commanded, and out of which came the first creation, is awaiting commands to bring forth the new creation.
However this time round the Holy Spirit wants to co-opt and use adopted sons and daughters for issuing commands for building the New Creation. That was why Jesus, when He ascended to the right hand of the Father, filled all things, so that at any point on the quantum field where awareness dawns, or where there is an awakening or where someone is born again in the Spirit, (awake ye, arise from the dead for your Light has come) he/she may be co-opted to go out and gather in the vineyard, which is ripe for the harvest.
There are millions of born-again believers but too few who are awake and truly believe that "whatever I can do you can do", who truly believe that they are "adopted sons/daughters" and "co-heirs" and "given power over all things" and given "dominion over all things on earth".
Now, we are called upon to take seriously our status as adopted sons, daughters and co-heirs, with power to do the same things that Jesus did, including the power to command the elements, to raise the dead, to heal at a distance… and more!
About The Author
Neville Jayaweera
Neville Jayaweera, was a forerunner and prophet of God. He received a powerful revelation of the completed work of Jesus Christ, and the fact that – through His death and resurrection – we have all been fully united to God. Everything flows from there, including the beautiful fact that Jesus, not death, is our true means of access to eternal life as a present reality now, on earth as it is in Heaven.