Please listen to this unique and inspired blend of spoken word and ambient soundscapes. Created by Ann Shakespeare and Rob Townley, to help you engage with the quantum realm.
The Quantum Field
God is in the detail
Christians and quantum physicists alike agree that there is a reality that exists beyond the reach of the five senses; a reality which we cannot see with our physical eyes or hear with our ears, but it is the very real substance - or essence - of everything in the universe.
Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, expresses that energy (E) and mass (m) are simply different forms of the same essence. It is saying that the material objects of our world are actually bundles of frozen energy, so to speak. Each object comprises atoms, and every one of those atoms contains an unimaginably vast amount of energy, which is released whenever an atom is split.
The universe is made up of immense swirls, or fields, of vibrating energy. In turn, those fields of energy constitute one vast, universal field of energy. Quantum originally means “how much,” relating to size and amount, and has since come to mean the smallest amount you can have. So “quantum field” refers to the seamless fabric that fills the universe, forming and comprising its smallest, most fundamental components. The quantum field is the “fabric,” or “clay” which God created and from which he sculpted his three-dimensional creation into existence. It is the basic substance of everything that exists in the universe, including human beings. It is the invisible essence that pervades, connects and interconnects us all.
Science tells us of the hyper-sensitivity of the quantum field with regard to human thoughts, intentions, words and actions. At the quantum level (the level of invisible energy), the simple act of observing or focusing on something can affect the object of focus and change it in some way. The quantum field (QF) is spread everywhere throughout the universe. It is the fundamental reality in which we live. Everything that we can see, hear, feel, touch, and smell is made out of the QF. All matter - be it human beings, plants, animals, or inanimate substances - is made up of vibrating energy. The visible is created out of what is invisible.
In the beginning, “the earth was without form, and void” (Gen. 1:2). So how did material, or visible, entities come into existence? We find the answer in Hebrews 11:3: “the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” God created the universe, the earth, plants, living creatures and human beings by means of commands. He spoke everything into visible existence with His words.
God spun everything out of His quantum field, ranging from the massive, spreading galaxies to the tiniest, most delicate butterfly.
We believe by faith that the quantum field is God’s canvas. God spun everything out of His quantum field, ranging from the massive, spreading galaxies to the tiniest, most delicate butterfly. That word, that frequency that He released is still expanding, and so the universe is still expanding.
However, whether we are talking of one little sparrow or of a vast galaxy of stars, there is a distinction between the quantum field and the environment within which it operates. We need to ask ourselves: What is the non measurable “something” that imparts power to the quantum field? Faith declares that the essence of that something is Spirit - invisible, intangible, and itself not subject to entropy. That is, it is beyond disease, decay, and death.
It was to destroy destruction—so to speak - that God became incarnate in Jesus Christ: in order to reconcile us to Himself, to impart His Spirit throughout the quantum field, and to empower us to work with Him in ushering in the new creation. It was on our behalf that Jesus Christ died to overcome the power of evil and to enable us to be co-heirs with Him in His resurrection and ascension, with “authorities and powers having been made subject to Him” (1 Pet. 3:22).
What does “exercising authority through the quantum field” mean? In chapter 1, we saw that the universe is one vast, inter- locking system of energy waves which is called the quantum field. It is the fundamental substance of all matter - be it subatomic particles, cells, molecules, bones, tissue, or arteries. So when Jesus healed the blind eyes, He used His God-given authority to rearrange the disorder in the cells and tissues of the two blind men and restore their sight.
Another of Jesus’ miracles was the healing of the centurion’s servant, who was paralyzed (Matt. 8:5–13). As a Roman soldier, with soldiers under his own authority, the centurion understood very well the power of authority and of commands. He said to Jesus, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed” (Matt. 8:8) - and indeed he was healed. This miracle is especially significant because it demonstrates that the power of God to heal and transform is not limited by distance. The Word of God and commands issued in His name exercise power wherever they are directed, at whatever the distance. Since the quantum field is one substance within the atmosphere of Spirit, which is One, there is in fact no substantial distance. It simply appears so to our limited senses.
Whether Jesus was physically present with a person or situation or not, spiritual power streamed from Him and rearranged the molecules that had gone awry in the physical bodies and in the circumstances that He encountered. In the same way that a magnet draws iron filings to itself - irresistibly—so the molecules bowed the knee, so to speak, in the presence of Jesus and rearranged themselves into correct order.
Consider, for example, the healing of the two blind men who called out to Jesus as He was leaving Jericho (Matt. 20:29–34). Jesus touched their eyes, and they received their sight. The power of God flowing through Jesus altered the composition of the damaged cells in the two men’s eyes and restored them to correct order. In other words, Jesus exercised authority in and through portions of the quantum field, in order to manifest the healing.
The quantum field is now saturated with the Spirit of Christ, who fills the universe (Eph. 4:10), and God calls us to be coworkers in bringing in the harvest. But what does that mean? It means cooperating with the Holy Spirit, to be willing channels of the power of God to impact the quantum field with love, and to bring into visibility the new creation. A good place to start is with our own bodies. Jesus calls us to be His witnesses, and part of our witness to Him is through our bodies.
Since you are a spiritual being, and the Spirit is the dominant power, you can take authority over your physical body and command it to come into line with God’s pattern.
You remind those same molecules that they are saturated with the blood (that is, the life) of Christ, and then command them to come into line with His holy life. Let them manifest wholeness, peace, and the abundant life of Christ. In His life there can linger no arthritis, no cancer, no auto-immune diseases, no depression, no viruses or bacteria—and so on. No. In your new life in Christ, the fruit of the Spirit predominates and rules your body. From there you can radiate outward and pray for other people and circumstances that come to your attention. In each situation, remember that Jesus has given you full authority to issue commands (based on His Word) in His name, in order to channel God’s grace to those on whose behalf you are interceding.
The discoveries of quantum physics are as momentous as Galileo’s discovery - in fact, much more so for Christians, because of their implications for the comprehension of the Christian faith and its practice. They certainly cannot be pronounced contrary to Scripture and, like Galileo’s discovery, they will gather much greater momentum and significance as time goes on. Western culture, in particular, has been progressively steeped in individualism, especially since the seventeenth century with the introduction of the Age of Rationalism (also known as the Enlightenment). In particular, the discoveries and thinking of Isaac Newton and René Descartes set the scene for the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm, which assumed that the world consists of separate bits of matter. Furthermore, the paradigm assumed that matter and mind were two finite substances. In other words, dualism could not have been set in more solid concrete.
It was Einstein, a little more than one hundred years ago, who started the process of dismantling the dualistic edifice with his discovery that matter and energy are in fact the same, and that matter is simply frozen energy. It is worth noting how, over the centuries, physicists who had proudly placed matter on a pedestal progressively destroyed their own foundations. First, they reduced hard chunky matter to invisible and intangible particles and called them molecules. Then they disaggregated the molecules to atoms, and progressively reduced atoms to quarks and mesons and gluons—the latter being the “glue” that held the former together—all of them invisible and intangible. Progressively, these pieces lost even their claim to be particles, and became waves upon an infinite ocean. Without faith, human beings have fragmented this infinite ocean into finite quarks, mesons, gluons, and so forth—because the finite cannot comprehend the infinite.
However, those who believe in the omnipresence of Christ’s Spirit gain insight into the truth that the whole of reality is, in fact, an infinite ocean of Spirit: “He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe” (Eph. 4:10). Whoever, through faith in God’s Word, can break out of the boundaries of individuality, merges with the ocean of Spirit, which is responsive to thought, consciousness, and prayer. However, this “merging” does not mean the shrinkage or loss of a person’s individual identity. On the contrary: It heralds his or her expansion to infinity.
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Quantum Glory was formed out of a strong desire to dig deep into the quantum fabric of the universe and creation. The deeper we go, we find that God reveals many mysteries to us at an atomic level, bringing the invisible increasingly into focus. The purpose of this website it to provide easy-access gateways into the deeper realms. Here you will find lots of amazing information and revelations to accompany you as you explore. There is no particular start or finish. Simply choose an entry point and enjoy your journey.