What it really means to be ‘clones’ of the Risen Lord!
- Neville Jayaweera
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- 2005
We know that when Jesus went to the cross the whole universe – that is, the entirety of the energy field - was contained in Him. Therefore when He died the whole energy field, which means you and I and everyone else who had come out of, or will ever come out of that energy field, died with Him.
The molecules that comprise our field cohere into patterns (shown on the mount) as ordained within us
Now then, does it not follow that every single electron, every atom, every amino acid and every protein of which you and I are constituted today were in the body of the Risen Lord? Does it not follow that we are all clones of the Risen Lord which is why He said that whatever He did we too can do, if we will only believe. That is the true "being born again", waking up to the truth of who we really are in Christ
Therefore, does it not follow that the law of entropy (the law of sin and death) cannot work in us as long as we will believe that the law of negative entropy (ie the law of Grace or the law of Resurrection Life) is the only law working in us?
From this does it not follow that you and I, and all those who believe, but in proportion to their belief, are like immersion heaters inserted in a bath of water, which is the energy field, and that as we sit and meditate, bringing to remembrance the truth of who we are, the molecules that comprise our field will begin to cohere into patterns (shown on the mount) as ordained within us, which is the Kingdom?
Does it not also follow that those of us who know this truth and can believe, also exercise total command over the entire energy field, as Jesus said we would, when He said, "All power I give unto you, power over snakes and scorpions and over all the works of the enemy"? This simply means that we now have power to disentangle, smooth out and reconstitute clusters of the energy field that have got knotted up (ie those who opt to live in ego-centred darkness and therefore continue to incur the law of sin and death).
Therefore, I say unto you, if you truly believe, you must assume command and, after contemplating the truth and convincing yourself of who you really are, start sending forth the Word, as commands, before which the "earth melts and mountains run like wax".
About The Author
Neville Jayaweera
Neville Jayaweera, was a forerunner and prophet of God. He received a powerful revelation of the completed work of Jesus Christ, and the fact that – through His death and resurrection – we have all been fully united to God. Everything flows from there, including the beautiful fact that Jesus, not death, is our true means of access to eternal life as a present reality now, on earth as it is in Heaven.